Saturday, July 24, 2004

Saturday, July 24, 2004
Yesterday was an amazing day.... not so much the afternoon, but the evening after class. I went over to Josh's only to find that he had bought a dozen roses, made chocolate dipped strawberries, bought wine glasses and red wine in celebration of me going to visit him. He had two movies picked out..... my eyes were opened to how creative he was and how he can take initiative instead of me always taking the lead in friendships/relationships. We also had a heart-to-heart about where we stood as two people who care about each other, and we came to the conclusion that we both want to be together, but on my part, I need to clear my silly agenda that seems to infiltrate every aspect of life... which includes relationships. He is what I am looking for at the moment: honest, straight forward, gentle, focused in school, etc. I am way too tired from long hours of school and work to write more, but he is incredible and I had a wonderful time last night gettting spoiled.


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