Wednesday, September 22, 2004

My Monthly Emotional Expression...

I watched a movie the other day at movie night about going back into the future. Of course people dream of going back into their past to fix their actions and to take different paths than they currently have taken… there are hundreds and hundreds of books and movies that entertain this idea… but of course there will never be a way to change the power and cycles of time. What would you have said? What words would’ve made things different? What dreams would you have aimed towards if you knew what you know now? What one thing would you have completely and totally taken the time to understand? Would it be another person’s point of view or a topic such as the poverty in Ethiopia?
Each person was born at a specific time in a specific place and coordinate on the planet; the stars were aligned in a unique way over each person when they took their first breath. Everything is moving towards continuing forward. There isn’t a power in this world that can take our uniqueness away; not our fingerprints, sense of humor, our laugh, desires, or dreams. Nothing can take away the moment that we were born and our footprints in this world- no matter if they are staggering or evenly spaced… they are ours.
If we are born at a specific time and under a specific constellation and unique moment in history… all things propel forward… all constellations move forward into the next moment and that moment never again will be revisited… we were born to be part of that movement. We are catalysts for the next moment: we imprint this second and then take what we have done with the last second to move on the next.
Time does not wait for any soul. We all are rich with time- we all get 24 hours a piece to do what we will with it… there will never be a way to get back those mistakes which is wonderful. We are all a mess- life is messy. We all are terrified of mistakes, but what if I was to say that if we knew that we are never alone, would be so scared of issues, conflicts, problems, pain? If we knew that someone was sharing our pain, wouldn’t allow us to rejoice in the fact that we are alive and learning? If we knew that we are part of the human race and therefore able to take part in pain… only as a way to see the beautiful and enlightening aspects of life more clearly and have it be as sweet…
So if we were to go back in time, we could erase all pain and suffering potentially... but would we want to? We all have the ability to take the next 24 hours to change our lives. We have the ability to choose to live. We all have the ability to change our attitude to match an attitude of joy and thankfulness. We can always reframe our situations… but I think that also requires the ingredient called support: support from other people- a solid base where we can find solace and love. We need to know that we are unique and that we are cherished for who we are. We need to know that we are seen- not by our actions, but by who we are and who we are becoming. If we were to overcome our fear of being alone and being the only person in our ‘world’ who feels the way we do… could we find our place and make immense impacts on the world around us with the time that we’ve been given? Would we still desire to go back in time? I’m not petitioning that being alone is why we want to be transported back to our past, but I think that we might find satisfaction in knowing that our future will be filled with rich and extravagant situations that we are able to build- if we overcome our fear of time and turn our eyes up to the future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hun,

I would call that more philosophical than emotional (ahh... semantics).

But - more to the point:


I can think of about five hundred things that I would go back and fix. Sadly, I'm stuck with the memories of the mistakes. Had I not made them, I would not be the person that I am today.

Then you get on to the Butterfly Effect theory (have you seen that movie? You should, it's fantastic. Really really interesting.)

If you go back and change one thing... the future ends up very very different. Who knows what you could lose. If I went to the store twenty minutes ago instead of five minutes from now - I may have been in a car accident that puts me in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.

One never knows. My brother might not be living with me right now had Elise's boyfriend not blown up the school - and I wouldn't have met Elise because I wouldn't have gone to get my sister who was skipping.

And I would not have met Adam.

But I digress.

Stand up and take action (you go girl :))

November 12, 2004 at 8:37 PM  

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