Wednesday, September 15, 2004


So I failed twice. Once Monday and once on Tuesday.. I got lazy again. I didn't go to class either day. I went to small group Bible study yesterday night (Tuesday), but Monday I really don't have an excuse at all. What's the deal? I was doing just fine!! And then I just stop moving all together. I know that I need to get back on the wagon here... and the question is: 'how?' Goodness. I am going back today: the owner, when I called yesterday to let her know that I was not coming in, was very upset that I was missing two days in a row. She wanted to have a 'discussion with me' when I came in for today's class (Wednesday)... talk about a twist in my stomach for 24 hours straight. Yuck. I have to fact the music.. but I really am not sure what my issue is-- it's not that I was sick... I was just 'under the weather'.. I didn't feel motivated, I guess, to go in to class. Both days at work were fantastic and went very smoothly. I have no idea why I just didn't go in. No idea. I really hope she doesn't go off the handle today- I don't think I could handle self shame about dismissing my 'duties' AND THEN have someone rub it in. Both really would not be optimal today. I'll update when I get back tonight.. if I'm still alive, that is!


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