Saturday, September 11, 2004

Overall today was a success. I started the day out by going to work to see Sandy to have my makeup done. She only had ten minutes so I pretty much did my own. I stood around for a while and spoke with Donna about the makeup line while she waited for her clients. Linda M. mentioned to a client of hers that she should have her makeup done by an Esthetician. Linda suggested that I do it... I was nervous to do it at first.. but it just flowed. I loved talking about the products and applying her makeup- she really was self concious of her wrinkles eventhough she looked great! She has a beautiful face and Linda did a nice job with her haircut. She never dyes her hair and is salt and pepper.. she looks really nice. I did her makeup and I'm really happy how it came out! It looked very natural. I circled all of the items that I used on her... I invited her back to the open house next week.. she was already invited via mail, but she said she'll be back. I hope so! She knows my name now which is really wonderful- I hope Amy (my manager) will now have full confidence in my ability- I think she was listening to me while I spoke to the client... and I really hope she liked how I approached things. I really think it went well!
I was late meeting Zack and Liz and Rich... they were a bit frusterated with me- with good reason. I appologized (on a personal note- I really need to work on that! yikes!) The fair was fun- small, but fun. The flea market was upper class instead of the fun junk that they ususally have... so after we left there, Zack and I went Yard Saling which was wonerful- I bought a tape player with speakers and Zack bought some very old Victorola Records and an unabridged (Seriously it was about 8 inches thick) Dictionary from the 30's I think.. it was very, very old.
The Church event (Roast) went well. Zack, Pat and I manned the front tent that provided people with name tags so they could keep track of the numbers of those who attended.. I think it reached over 700 but that could just be rumor. Adam invited us to go bowling..
We went bowling which was okay..Adam ignored me the whole time. Whatever. We got a whole mess of email addresses to add to the list which was a success.
With that last statement having been made- As Kathy said yesterday- the frustration that I'm feeling about the 'group' idea (no one seems to be going lately) is that God's vision of this ministry is very different from what I envision it to be... something to keep in mind.


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