Saturday, August 28, 2004

Another week has gone by- and it was really and truely wonderful. I feel rested and replenished... and honestly I am very thankful that God has given me a focus and a vison. I do not deserve to be allowed to have an impact or to serve Him-- I have messed up in the past very terribly, but dispite it all, He has given me a wonderful and humble (faithful) parents who want the best for me and who have been changing how they react to certain situations because they respect my feelings; I have the most wonderful brother who has taken me into his and his wife's life-- they have been the backbone in my life for the past year.. without them, hope would've been lost... they have mentored me and been there for me and loved me through all the mess ups of the past year. They have such deep love and such great hearts... I have a wonderful church that I now belong to- one that is rich with people who love God and who want to grow and serve others.... I DO NOT DESERVE ANY OF THIS! I DON'T DESERVE TO BE LOVED LIKE THIS! I DO, HOWEVER, PRAY THAT I CAN BE A TOOL OF GOD'S THAT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND GIVE BACK WITH LOVE AND GRACE ALL THAT HAS BEEN SHOWERED ON ME. THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE WHO HURT, AND I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO WHAT IS IN MY POWER AND WIRING TO DO- SO THAT I CAN IMPACT LIVES FOR CHRIST-- HE HAS DONE SOOOOO MUCH FOR ME.... SO MUCH THAT I DID NOT DESERVE... AND YET HIS LOVE IS GREATER THAT I CAN IMAGINE...


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