Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Member of my church at last :)

I became a member of my church today! Hooray! Jay gave me the third degree and belittled the idea of becoming a member... ("What's the point? Do you have to give money now or something? Whatever.") I guess it is good for me to think of why it's important and why I desire to take this step... goodness. Well-- I know that He is doing wonderful things in my life: I struggle with power and control. I have for quite a while: I like to be the one calling the shots and directing my 'destiny' so to speak. It's funny, though-- this ministry idea was something that came to me- not my own idea, but actually Kathy's idea as a remedy for my problems in life (with going to the bars and getting slammed three to five times a week) and then it just happened that I was in a small group that I felt comfortable in (thanks to Eric and Kathy who loving have taken me into thier lives of thier own loving accord) and met Zack and Erin.. who Zack has turned out to be a VITAL part of the up n' coming ministry- he can communicate via writing extremely well... he's done fabulously with the emails so far- and the follow ups with digital pictures and all!!
Erin spoke with me tonight about the email she sent me yesterday... she wasn't sure if she wanted to be part of the ministry because she is dating a non-Christian. She mentioned that if she was in leadership, she would be uncomfortable because people have different views of dating and 'yoking' as she put it.. and didn't want to be asked to step down because of her choice for the time being. I told her that it was perfectly fine that she step down herself before the ministry becomes official- and just help us with ideas and such for events. She looked very relieved when she heard that from me-- I bet she was totally nervous to have made a commitment (semi-commitment) and then after some thought, realized that it was the wrong choice for right now.. Good girl! That's so hard to do! She handled it so gracefully!
Saturday will hopefully be fun-- the Edgewood Center seems to be the focus as of tonight- I asked Liz if she would be willing (if it's allowed) to bring her cat(s) to visit the elderly.. they'd love it!
I saw Mr. Perfect tonight as well... he knew the girls next to me and chatted with them from the pew behind us... but I didn't get to talk with him-- he knows way too many people and so do I... I wonder if he even wanted to talk with me-- ya know: I think I need to just cool it-- I'm putting way too much effort into thinking and worrying about him: I remember last year, this is what happened-- I really over-thought about the situation and eventually gave up and just totally discarded any idea that I would ever really get to talk with him and see what's behind that beautiful smile.... he's a great guy, but I wonder if I'm just putting too much emphasis on getting to know him. I need to focus more on the new ministry and getting that underway before I start thinking about entertaining this idea.


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