Sunday, September 05, 2004

Yesterday's event went pretty well. We all went to Eric and Kathy's for a potluck. David came along which was really sweet-he really put in the effort to talk with everyone. I invited Matt along (from College) as well. He really seemed to feel out of place. We all chatted, played board games (Scategories) and Mario Cart... and then watched 'Cheaper by the Dozen"... really funny movie! :) It was funny- half way through, I looked uncomfortable, so Kathy yelled behind us the the group to pass up a pillow.. Eric tossed a pillow, and (Kathy and I were in the laying down position looking up at the screen) it dumped my newly filled cup of water all over my face and hair... very funny stuff- we were all rolling :) I guess my expression was way too funny.
Work went well this week overall :) School was great yesterday: Gina gave me a foot treatment, back treatment and extra gentle facial. She was so sweet to be as careful as she was with my skin- it's starting to peel and is very sensitive. We were chatting afterward and she was telling me how she is Reiki attuned and what Reiki is all about. She mentioned how she did it to one person (a good friend of her's) and when she put her hands over her heart- she felt an intense sense of sadness and sorrow. When she and this woman spoke after the treatment, the woman, who was in the middle of a very painful divorce) could feel a warmth and comfort feeling coming from Gina through her hands. She was comforted. I really honestly don't know where God sits on this whole issue- feeling emotions and helping people change them (working with people's auras) through touch (above the body and on parts like the head and heart) really doesn't jive with anything that I've been taught. I don't know what it is that is being worked with in all honesty: what energy is Reiki addressing? What is it moving? And Catina also works with a more complex form of Reiki and can feel warm and cool spots by putting her hands above the body and can move these hot 'blockages' that represents a wall or barrier where energy is trapped- she moves these barriers and people can actually feel her touch them when she is at their feet projecting her energy to make changes in their body... she never touches them. What is this all about?


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