Thursday, September 09, 2004

This week has been going quite well- I've been going to class and working continually... I had Monday off and just vegged... I watched the first and second parts of Back to the Future: I really miss the 80's movies like, 'Honey I Shrunk the Kids','Never Ending Story', 'Parenthood', etc. They were all so well done with plot and humor... it seems like it's all just drama and action movies that make it now, and honestly- movies like 'Airplane' and 'Pure Luck' cannot be beat- good, clean, joyful, fun. Yeah- the graphics and technology was not the best back then, but it still good viewing.
School is still going great! I did three and a half hours of makeup training with the Estheticians on Tuesday... great experience! A woman from Jan Iredale was there this time and was able to shed more light on how the makeup can be applied- and how to sell it by its really wonderful benefits. I didn't practice on anyone, but it was good experience to watch and learn. The big open house at work will be next Friday-- we sent out over 1000 invitations to our 'top' 1000 clients-- and it was kinda funny because I got one in the mail.. it just reminded me to stop spending so much money there: Yeah- we get a discount, but when I start getting mail that the clients are supposed to get, I need to take a break.
There has been a struggle at school. I really do love the people that I am in class with- our class is getting smaller and smaller as time goes on and people who have been there longer stop going to class to study and get ready for their board exam. There is one girl, however, that really is irking me. She and I have gotten along just fine up until now- I guess we still get along, but honestly I am really not able to stand her at all! I'm shocked that she's getting so far under my skin that I am actually writing about it! She is ALWAY complaining about someone or something that someone did wrong. I've met her parents when they have come in to do treatments- they are really sweet people. What's up with her? She is biting to everyone that she talks about even if they really are sweet. She turns every situation that happens to her into a big deal and makes the other party look like a jerk or just plain ignorant. I know that at some point I will either yell at her and just tell her off for being such a hypocrite (just the other day she was complaining that this other girl who goes to school with us who 'never stops whining about her problems'...). I'm loosing my patience. She gossips non-stop and puts everyone down.
I guess I need to just suck it up. She's younger and she will learn. She will have a very stressful marriage (she's engaged) and really may not live as long if she keeps thinking so negitively. AARRGGG!! I feel like pouting like a five year old.. but I honestly don't know what to do. She's not the rational type that would listen to someone who went up to her privately and explained to her their complaints.. and she's not one that seems to really be concerned about bothering anyone else-- she's just bothered by the 'world that happened to her and seems to be pouring this horrible filth on her head all the time'... I don't think I can even look at this objectively. I get too frustrated.
Well- God: you know my anger and frustration with this.. I need some help understanding her and your help just letting her silliness just roll off my back. I get too worked up about the things she says about other people, but I need to just detatch.....


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