Monday, September 20, 2004

The weekend went smoothly- Friday I went over to Eric and Kathy's for the weekly movie night. We tried to watch a couple of movies which ended up being really weak so we ended up watching Honey.. which I didn't mind, but it's pretty much a teen movie. Saturday was class all day. We had lecture during the beginning of the class until 12:00.. The assistant, Christina, came in upset and went directly into Tobey's office... her sister has brain cancer and Tobey sent her home. Tobey was very sad all day because she lost her brother (I guess a couple of years ago). Gloria brought in two guests- one for me and one for her- she took the more elderly of the couple, and I had the expected mother. She is the wife of the owner of a real estate company called Atrio. She was an absolute sweetheart. I felt that the facial went very well.. and I almost put her to sleep! The baby kept moving around, though, so she wasn't able to fully sleep- she had to stay up late the night before because her sons (yeah! Two more at home! Goodness!) were up during the night with nightmares. She was really sweet and very kind in general. We left class earlier than usual because Tobey was really feeling sad and under the weather.
Sunday was great- I went to the 9:30 service so that Zack and I could plan the month of October out competely for Group. We sat with Jenni Hall... I told her that she HAD to come to the event on SAturday- she has Kyle Froning for the day, so she's not sure if she can bring him (he's 2 and a half, I think). We're having a Harvest Get Together. Should be really fun!! Yah know- it looks really suspicious that Zack and I are seen around together ALL the time at church- people are probably already talking! I really don't want to be attached to someone...but in actuality it really doesn't matter because there really isn't anyone that I like at church anymore so I really don't think it matters. But at any rate- I don't want people to really assume anything... So- our meeting and planning went well and we have all the way through October and two weeks into November. Thanksgiving will be really fun to have an activity around- there's so much that can be done with it! We're also trying to plan a worship service/bonfire at the Bondi's in October which will be awesome! I'm have hope in our ablility just plan these things with full confidence that people will come... it seems like there's a set group of people who make it everytime and then there's the stragglers. I know more people will come- it will just take time!

So I watched a movie that broke my heart yesterday.... Beyond Borders. (I totally love Angelina Jolie!) The male character in the movie-- a doctor that dedicated his life to serving others in third world countries... was so strong and driven with his opinions and beautiful anger towards the death and famine of Africa that people in England and America didn't seem to really concern themselves with... his character was perfect- the passion of his heart toward his work was absolutely captivating. Does someone like that actually exist? For a guy to take people under his wing and trade his life and knowledge in order to participate in a mission to save other people without gain for himself... amazing. I find it to be so beautiful when people have passions that they work for and goals that they strive to attain... those type of real people are not around here-- I guess its because there really isn't a need to have passion about anything when everything is right here- true suffering does not exist in New England. True men cannot be true men when they are not tested and have not had their hearts opened to other people's true needs. I guess there are real men around here, but I don't think they will ever truely become men because they won't get the chance... or maybe they just haven't been inspired: their hearts haven't been woken up yet...


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